Dear colleagues!
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
invites You to participate in the work of
the International congress
10-12 October 2012.
Within the frame of the international congress marking the 180-year anniversary of SPSUACE there will take place international scientific and practical conferences on the urgent scientific issues:
- Modern construction and housing and public services
Chairman – acting dean of the Faculty of civil engineering Alexander G. Chernykh,
Secretary – Andrey N. Egorov
Phone +7 (812)316-30-45, e-mail:
- Architecture, design and urban planning
Chairman – acting dean of the Faculty of architecture Sergey V. Sementsov,
Secretary – Fedor V. Perov
Phone +7 (812)575-05-08, e-mail:
- Environmental engineering systems
Chairman – dean of the Faculty of environmental engineering Tamara A. Datsyuk,
Secretary – Inna I. Sukhanova
Phone +7 (812)575-05-31, e-mail:
- Efficiency and safety of automobile and road building complex
Chairman – dean of the Faculty of automobile and road building Stanislav M. Grushetsky,
Secretary – Denis S. Orlov
Phone +7 (812)575-01-95, e-mail:
- Innovations of economics and management of construction
Chairman – dean of the Faculty of economics and management Alexander P. Dolgov,
Secretary – Vadim Yu. Zhukov
Phone +7 (812)575-05-48,
Registration fee (with value added tax) constitutes:
- for participants from Russia – 2000 rub;
- for foreign participants (including CIS) – 4000 rub. (Payment while registering at the conference).
The registration fee covers price of conference materials (programme of the conference and publication of collected works of the conference).
Each participant takes care of his accommodation on his own.
Applications for participation in the conference are accepted till 08 June 2012 via the e-mail address of the chosen conference.
Papers in the extent of no more than 5 pages in Russian, English or German should be sent to the email of the organizational committee of the chosen conference till 10 October, 2012.
Collected works of the conference are expected to be published after the conference.
The payment of the registration fee should be made on October, 10-12 during the conference operation through the cash desk of SPSUACE after the agreement has been signed.
Requirements to scientific papers:
Papers in the extent of no more than five pages in Russian, English or German in the electronic form should be sent to the organizational committee till 10 October, 2012.
- Текстовый редактор – Microsoft Word.
- Format – RTF.
- Print type – Times New Roman Cyr – 12.
- Paper size – А4 (210х297 mm).
- Volume of the article – not more than five pages.
- Margins (upper and bottom) – 20 mm, left – 20 mm, right – 22 mm.
- Intended line is – 12,5 mm.
- Interline spacing – 1,0 interval.
- The title of the paper must be in the centre in capital letters with the 1 interval upwards and downwards with Print type being Times New Roman Cyr – 12, bold.
- Formulae are typed by means of Microsoft Equation.
- Illustrations and tables should be put in appropriate places of the paper bas objects (menu point Paste-Object-Drawing Microsoft Word), print type of the tables and illustrations being Times New Roman Cyr – 10, basic.
- Before the title of the paper: on the first line there should be UDK (universal decimal classification, on the second line there should be the name of the author and (in brackets) full name of organization.
- UDK should be right side, print type being Times New Roman Cyr – 12, basic.
- Name of the author should be typed in italics, right side.
- The paper must have annotations (5-7 lines) in Russian and in English, print type – Times New Roman Cyr – 10, basic, the annotation is put at one space line.
- The list of used literature executed according to the state standard 7.1-2003 is given at the end of the paper.
Submitted articles are published as edited by the authors.
Example of a paper formatting
UDK 658.512.6:658.527:69
PhD in engineering, associate professor G. Pabluchenko
(Minsk polytechnic university)
Представлены новые методы оптимизации сетевого планирования по критериям минимума себестоимости работ. Оптимизация осуществляется за счет выравнивания потребности в ресурсах, устранения ресурсных конфликтов, совмещения выполнения работ по реконструкции во времени.
New methods of optimization of network planning by criteria of a minimum of the cost price of works are submitted. Optimization is carried out due to alignment of requirement for resources, elimination of resource conflicts, overlapping of performance of works on reconstruction in time.
Если на сетевой модели не учитывать никаких связей и ограничений, будет планироваться параллельное выполнение всех работ, поэтому продолжительность всего комплекса
Временные и ресурсные параметры
Код |
Q, чел.-ед.вр. |
N, чел. |
T, ед.вр. |
РН |
РО |
ПН |
ПО |
A |
8 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
B |
6 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
C |
24 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
7 |
7 |
11 |
D |
20 |
4 |
5 |
2 |
7 |
7 |
11 |
E |
30 |
6 |
5 |
11 |
16 |
11 |
16 |
Fig. 1. Gantt chart
for the participation in the international congress
«Science and innovations in modern construction − 2012» 10-12 October 2012
Surname |
First name |
Patronymic name |
Academic degree |
Position |
Organization (full name) |
Registered address of the organization |
Domicilium address of the organization |
Personal tax reference number / Registration reason code of the organization |
Address |
Contact information |
Paper subject |
Name of the conference (within the frame of the held international congress) |
I tend to (mark the necessary):
- to make a report |
- to participate as a listener |
- to have a report published |
- accommodation at a hotel |
Number of people ____ Period of stay: from__ till __ |
Foreign applicants must send a copy of passport via fax or email for issuing an invitation.
Address of the organizational committee:
190005; Saint Petersburg, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya, 4.
Phone/fax: +7 (812) 575-09-78 for foreign participants
Anastasia Semenova